

349 Uppsatser om False Belief - Sida 1 av 24

Undersökning av relationen mellan False Belief och syntax hos 4-9- åriga barn

Children undergo great developmental changes during the preschool and early school years. It is also the very same period in which their pragmatic abilities develop. This study aimed to examine the relationship between Theory of Mind and syntax. Fifty-four preschool and school children aged between 3:11 to 9:0 years participated. TROG-2 and a False Belief assessment of Sally Anne design using three conditions: narrative, silent and distortion were used.

Språkliga förmågor i relation till Theory of Mind och implicit/explicit False-Belief förståelse : En studie med barn i treårsåldern

Tidigare studier har påvisat att språkliga förmågor har ett nära samband med Theory of Mind (ToM). På senare tid har studier med hjälp av ögonrörelseteknik kunnat undersöka ToMförmåga implicit och fynden tyder på att barn redan i tvåårsåldern verkar ha en välutvecklad implicit ToM-förmåga. Resultaten från en av dessa studier har funnit att språkutvecklingen kan spela en avgörande roll i tillägnandet av ToM och tyder på att det kan finnas ett orsakssamband mellan språk och ToM. En viktig aspekt för att närmare förstå ToMutvecklingen är att undersöka vilken betydelse den språkliga förmågan har i tillägnandet av ToM. Det är fortfarande oklart om specifika delar av språket har mer betydelse för ToMutvecklingen än andra och hur sambandet mellan språkliga förmågor och ToM ser ut.

Adhesion av mikroorganismer till lignocellulosa

The aim of the project was to develop a method to investigate differences in adhesion of microorganisms to materials that contains lignocellulose. The method was tested on a gram-positive (Micrococcus lutea) and one gram-negative (E-coliJM109) bacteria.The study was begun by cultivation of the two microorganisms. The cultivation was done to calculate the generation times of the bacteria and to obtain growth curves. Cells from these cultivations were also frozen (-70ºC) and later used for inoculation.At STFI-Packforsk AB the total charge on the mass was measured and later a conductivity titration on the mass was executed as well, all to find out more about the different properties of the mass. Properties that in a later part of this study could possibly be linked to the adhesion of cells to the pulp.

Jämförelse mellan Theory of Mind-förmåga och pragmatisk förmåga hos svenska barn i 4 och 5 års ålder

Theory of mind involves the ability to take another person?s perspective in thought, emotions and intentions.  There is today a lack of instruments to assess children?s development of Theory of Mind (ToM) in Swedish. ToM is considered by many scientists to be the basis for development of pragmatic competence. The relationship between these two abilities is complex and not fully resolved. Both abilities are important components for the development of social skills.    The purpose of this study was to compare 4 and 5-year olds ToM-ability measured with a Swedish version of Wellman and Liu?s ToM-scale, Sally Anne and Social Emotional Test with estimated pragmatic competence measured with the Children?s Communication Checklist (CCC).

FALSKA MINNEN OCH SJÄLVKÄNSLA - med utgångspunkt i DRM-proceduren

Does a person´s self esteem contribute in the process of creating false memories? Previous studies show that mood is related to false memories as well as to self esteem. This led to the focus of this study, to examine the relationship between false memory and self esteem. The question is examined by comparing the amount of false memories produced in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) procedure with people´s scores on Rosenberg´s self-esteem scale. 59 people participated in a test with three different elements, a self esteem test and a memory test with both recollection and free recall.

Och sen då? : En kvalitativ studie av föreställningar om döden hos elever i årskurs nio

The purpose of this study is to see how adolescent students in high school formulate their thoughts of death and if a belief in transcendent existence affects their thoughts. The study was done on two separate schools, one municipal school and one private religious school, in minor cities in Sweden. The method used was qualitative inquiries and the amount of participants was four from each school, eight in total. The result of the study showed that six out of eight participants had a belief of a transcendent existence, three from the municipal school and three from the religious private school. The result also showed that the participants from the municipal school that had a belief in an transcendent existence also had a belief in a form of ?afterlife?, this was however not reflected on the students in the religious private school where result showed that one out of four had a belief in a form of ?afterlife? and three view death as the final stage of existence..

Jämställdhet och etnicitet i svensk nationalsocialism : En textstudie av Paulina Forslunds krönikor

According to the widespread concept of deception, deception is to intentionally cause someone to acquire or continue to have a False Belief.  This paper refutes this notion and argues for a definition of deception based on a view that deception is the misuse of communication with the purpose to achieve a further end; an end that, is believed, can?t be reached without the misuse of communication. It is shown that this new definition can handle cases that earlier definitions could not handle without leading to absurd pragmatic consequences. In addition, the proposed definition makes it possible to properly distinguish between deception and attempted deception..

Oäkta Goodwill: Den oäkta goodwilldelens effekt på nedskrivningar av koncerngoodwill

Since January 2005 new rules have been introduced from the International Financial Reporting Standards for accounting of Business Combinations. Goodwill, which is the difference between the purchase price and the value of the net assets in an acquired firm, should no longer be amortized but should instead be treated as an object for yearly impairment tests. Nevertheless, there are many companies making the tests but not impairing goodwill. The theoretical frame of reference looks at goodwill from its two parts; true goodwill and false goodwill. False goodwill is defined as a measurement bias and constitutes a certain percentage of the operating net assets.

Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie

The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are:1: What is the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology?2. What are the main feature the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church?3: Which are the similarities between the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology and the main feature of Swedish church belief, confession and faith?The research method that has been used is comparative where the Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology is compared whit the Swedish church belief, confession and faith.

Dupera: att missbruka kommunikation

According to the widespread concept of deception, deception is to intentionally cause someone to acquire or continue to have a False Belief.  This paper refutes this notion and argues for a definition of deception based on a view that deception is the misuse of communication with the purpose to achieve a further end; an end that, is believed, can?t be reached without the misuse of communication. It is shown that this new definition can handle cases that earlier definitions could not handle without leading to absurd pragmatic consequences. In addition, the proposed definition makes it possible to properly distinguish between deception and attempted deception..

Bakgrundsbrusets effekt på kognitiv prestation samt skapandet av falska minnen : Om bullrets inverkan i öppna kontorsmiljöer

This study aimed to explore how 31 collage students' cognitive performance and their ability to create false memories were affected by the exposure of an extraneous background noise. The studies main hypotheses were based on previous research on how extraneous noise affect the cognitive ability and the creation of false memories: 1) that an extraneous background noise increases the ability to create false memories, 2) that an extraneous background noise impairs the learning of cognitive information, 3) that an extraneous background noise contributes to an increased representation of fictional words, 4) that an extraneous background noise impedes the ability to understand speech . The results showed a tendency in which false memories increased in the condition without background noise, a result which goes in the opposite direction of the hypothesis. Furthermore, the result supported the hypothesis that the extraneous background noise impairs the learning of cognitive information. The results also showed that there was no effect between the conditions regarding the representation of fictional information.

Optimering av informationsinsamlingvid prototyptillverkning

This report discusses a method to detect divers in harbour environments usingpassive acoustic detection. The goal was to achieve as high detection as possiblewithout having too high false alarm rate. A short execution time was also desirable.By using the characteristic of an inhalation a band-pass filter was applied to the signalto improve the signal to noise ratio. After the filtering an energy estimation of thesignal was made. This energy estimation was later used in a frequency analysis, whichcould tell us if there were enough energy in the frequencies that correspond to adivers breathing frequency.

Studie utav ett larmsystem ur ett signalteoretiskt perspektiv : Study of a detector by a signal detection theory

In present-day situation many libraries use detectors so that they can be able to prevent attempts too take out books without registering them. The university library in Jonkoping is one of the libraries that have such a detector. But unfortunately it doesn?t always work correct and can also react on other things a part from books. This is a big problem since the library staff don?t have time to check all signals that comes from detector.

Internprissättning : En studie av svenska företag

Begreppet ekonomistyrning innefattar många aktiviteter som i grunden handlar om att uppnå ekonomiska mål. Internprissättning är ett av dessa. När ett företag växer i storlek uppkommer ofta en diskussion om hur organisationen ska decentraliseras och vem som ska fatta beslut. Vanligt idag är att företagen decentraliseras och fler och fler beslut fattas lokalt.1967 gjordes en enkätundersökning som innefattade totalt 235 svenska företag varav bland annat alla börsnoterade. Man ville undersöka vad man i svenska företag vill åstadkomma med sin internavräkning.

Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie

The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are:1: What is the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology?2. What are the main feature the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church?3: Which are the similarities between the main feature of Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology and the main feature of Swedish church belief, confession and faith?The research method that has been used is comparative where the Dietrich Bonhoeffers theology is compared whit the Swedish church belief, confession and faith.

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